REQ: Lulu's Back In Town verse
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Richard Gillmann
2008-04-16 17:58:59 UTC
I've been playing "Lulu's Back in Town" a la Fats Waller but I'd also like
to play the verse part, which I can't find the chords to. It's the part
with the lyrics "Where's that careless chambermaid..." etc. If anyone can
tell me the chord sequence for the verse, I would very much appreciate it.
I already have the chorus (Gotta get my old tuxedo pressed etc.) it's just
the verse that I am searching for.

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2008-04-20 15:18:34 UTC
Post by Richard Gillmann
I've been playing "Lulu's Back in Town" a la Fats Waller but I'd also like
to play the verse part, which I can't find the chords to. It's the part
with the lyrics "Where's that careless chambermaid..." etc. If anyone can
tell me the chord sequence for the verse, I would very much appreciate it.
I already have the chorus (Gotta get my old tuxedo pressed etc.) it's just
the verse that I am searching for.
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Try this (view in a fixed-width font like Courier to preserve correct

Lulu's Back In Town
Words & Music by Al Dubin & Harry Warren
Recorded by Fats Waller, 1935

Dalt Fdim(III) Gdim A7
Where's that care - ess chambermaid?

Dalt Fdim(III) Gdim A7
What'd she do with my razor blade?

D Dm6 A F#7
She misplaced it, I'm a - fraid --

B7 Cdim E7
Boys, its got to be found.

Dalt Fdim(III) Gdim A7
Ask her when she cleaned my room,

Dalt Fdim(III) Gdim A7
What she did with my perfume --

B7 F#7 B7 F#7
I can't lose it, I've got to use it,

B7 Cdim E7
Lulu's back in town.

A Edim E7-9 E7
Got - ta get my old tux - e - do pressed,

A Edim E7-9 E7
Got - ta sew a but - ton on my vest,

D6 Cdim A F#7
'Cause to - night I've got - ta look my best--

B7 Cdim E7
Lu - lu's back in town.

A Edim E7-9 E7
Got - ta get a half a buck some - where,

A Edim E7-9 E7
Got - ta shine my shoes and slick my hair,

D6 Cdim A F#7
Got - ta get my - self a bou - ton - niere --

B7 E7 A
Lu - lu's back in town.

A A7 D Cdim A
You can tell all my pets,

A A7 D Cdim E7 A
All my Har - lem co - quettes,

A A7 D Cdim A
Mis - ter O - tis re - grets

B7 Cdim E7
That he won't be a - round.

A Edim E7-9 E7
You can tell the mail - man not to call;

A Edim E7-9 E7
I ain't comin' home un - til the fall,

D6 Cdim A F#7
And I might not get back home at all --

B7 E7 F#7 B7 Cdim D9 Bm7-5 A
Lu - lu's back in town, Lu - lu's back in town.
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2008-04-21 11:03:20 UTC
Sorry, think I blew that -- ends of lines 1 and 2 in all verses should
end on A, not E7.
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